Confined space entry

Blog tagged as Confined space entry

No More Helping your Mates out est. 1973

The title may seem like a bit of a weird statement considering Health and safety largely relies on teams helping each other. However, sometimes helping your mates out may do more harm than good.

Many hazardous gases cannot be seen or smelt, and they move very quickly to fill a space, meaning they ca...

15.07.24 09:39 AM - Comment(s)
The mysterious case of gases appearing underground

It seems well accepted by people who work in underground environments, often confined spaces, that there is the possibility of finding gases there, such as methane and hydrogen sulphide, but does anyone actually know how they got there?


Cue the music and call for Sherlock!


Lets start by lo...

05.07.21 12:59 PM - Comment(s)